Corporis Certi will be performed as a rehearsed reading as part of the Women@RADA Playreading Series.
The phone rings at 2am. It’s Sophie. She should be in bed, or having deep talks with her new friends, or studying for the classics degree her family has worked so hard to pay for. But something terrible has happened, and the aftershocks ripple into Sophie’s family and community. Corporis Certi is a play about consent, desire, and Latin – and what it means to have a female body in the modern world.
Writer: A.C. Smith
Director: TBC
Dates: 1 February 2017 @ 7pm
Location: Club Theatre, RADA Studios, 16 Chenies Street, London, WC1E 7EY
Booking: Tickets will be available to book in the week before the reading via the RADA Website:
Image: Frank via Flickr Commons CC Licence